The car slid through the corner and slammed into the #barrier. The car disintegrates on impact, but the driver survives thanks to advanced safety technology.
Next time, he leaves his cell phone in the pits.
To those who insist that they can live their lives without help from anyone or anything:
Try a day without #oxygen…
The skies darken
I tune the #radio to the news channel
Fearful for a severe storm
My disorientation is complete
It’s 8:00 PM
He was just now appreciating the #enormity of the situation. The boat creaked and moaned in the battering storm.
But soon, he reached the end of the world.
The advances in #therapy of PTSD and Bipolar disorder over the last thirty years have been impressive.
Once more, a day late and a dollar short. At least I know what to call it now.
Words of wisdom
Bouncing off the #satellite
Spreading word far and wide
But no one is receiving
“How can thy exist in such #detritus. Clean thy room!”
“Mom! Stop with the English major already!”
They traveled to the top of the mountain range to seek the legendary #remedy. Future days would be easy and carefree.
They did not find who they expected.
The justices recessed to #perpend the case before them. The others in the court waited impatiently.
After several hours, they returned.
“We decree that pineapple belongs on pizza.”
Funny how the smallest misunderstanding can result in vitriolic insults and banishment.
Is #harmony an illusion?
“The perpetrator resisted and was #fustigated into submission.”
“Watkins, a police report is no place for college English. Make it sound more ‘policey’.”
“We beat the crap out of him.”
“That’s better.”
“Why can’t Dolores ever make a decision when asked?”
“She needs to pass everything by her fantasy #medium. It’s not always available.”
“It’s not always accurate, either.”
Ophelia had a habit of wearing #vestures to ordinary occasions, such as dinner parties. No one really took notice until one such party where a little boy was curious.
“Why the fancy robe? You look like a nun…”
“You must dress for the job you want,” she replied simply.
Conspiracy is like an #infection. It finds a suitable host and spreads its venom, overwhelming it. The host spreads the disease to validate its consumption.
Perhaps what is needed is an antibiotic mist, spread in contrails.
Most of us present #vanilla to the world, content with blending in and not causing waves. The bold among us have strong flavors, realizing that most will not like it, but those that do will love it.
What flavor are you?
They stare at each other, sweat forming on each brow. The tension is #palpable.
Who will make the first move?
I walked the aging #corridor to our hotel room. Neither of the keys we were given worked. I turned to go back to the lobby, but all of the lights had gone out.
The sixth floor had claimed another victim.
My dream is to have the means to #peregrinate at my wildest whim…
Like a falcon…
There are a #million different ways to say it, and just as many ways to show it.
The world always needs more.
“There he is again, off on a #whinge…”
“What, like farm equipment or something?”
“You bloody Americans…oops, there I go, off on one myself…”