
We could hardly wait for the boys to come back from the war. Oh, the #stories they would tell.

We knew that they were stationed as maintenance at an airfield, and were telling the stories they heard from the pilots. We didn’t care.



The patrol walked for miles without seeing any #oppositional forces. When they showed themselves, playtime was over.



It was a #spirited contest. Both sides struggled for victory.

Of course, with these guys, it’s always that way…



The subject of #reparations for the history of slavery is a touchy one.

I suggest a small step in the right direction.

Treating everyone like normal people.

Alas, some can’t even do that…



“The new SubVersion 6000S – #compliant with all current rules and regulations.”

Good for soccer moms, not so much for getaway drivers.



Years of preparation Sinews taut One small slip My dreams #unravelled In a heap on the floor



My search for effective #therapy is the same as my search for friendships in the real world. A constant struggle full of dead ends.

Self-help it is…



In order to be #crestfallen, one must be optimistic for success to begin with.

I had the “crest” beaten out of me long ago.



Always remember:

#Freedom is a relative state of being, and it is granted by people. It can just as easily be taken away.



Many a team has gone down to defeat searching for the perfect scoring play.

Most of the time the #inelegant play wins the game.

Shoot the damn ball.



Her practiced and #refined manner seemed out of place in the seaside bar.

All she wanted was a drink to quench her thirst.



Just think how much energy you could devote to positive activities, instead of being #antagonistic all the time.

Tell me, does it get you anywhere?



You greet me at the door, your radiance lighting up the night. Your eyes #sparkle in the moonlight. Everything is in place for a fantastic evening.

Netflix and chill it is…



Great moments in near misses:

The politician’s pronouncements on the subject sounded reasonable.




It started in the early 80s. It continues to this day. I am proud to say that I continue to go…

One Step #Beyond!!!



“Nurse, come over here stat!” The phlebotomist was in a panic.

The nurse examined the syringe. The blood drawn was #clear.

“”Hmmm…the vampires were active last night…”



Great moments in understatement, classic movie edition:

“Think you got enough #dynamite there, Butch?”



Always remember the wisdom of The Cars when you think about adopting a new #persona…

It takes a fast car, lady To lead a double life



“The time we live in is the most important time that has ever been.”

Says the ego.

The wise listen for the faint #echo of those who came before us.



“I’m #afraid I’m going to have to take away your driving privileges for one month, young man.”

“But Dad, it was only a scratch!!”



“You spend too much time on me. I don’t deserve it.”

“On the contrary, it is my #pleasure to help you in any way I can.”

And that’s just for an acquaintance on Twitter…



Funny how a long lost quote from a TV show can describe your entire life…

“#Missed it by that much!”



The hopeful point to #technology as a savior, the doubtful as a marauder.

The sword always has two edges.



The chef spent days honing his knives so they would cut through meat like #butter.

He probably should have used some to cook it.



One is never so #lonely as when the people in one’s life grow tired and leave.

For the true introvert, that is fuel.



Great moments in micro-management:

“I want you to be a leader, but only with my #permission.”



If it were truly #illegal, wouldn’t you call the police?

I double-dare you.



How can I bid you #farewell if you won’t go away?



She was determined to confront her stalker.

“Why do you show up wherever I go?!?”

“Just a #coincidence, ma’am.”

She soon discovered that her employer had hired the man because they were concerned for her safety.



I write short stories every day for several prompts.

Is it #art?

Or just a fart?



Maintaining your illusion of freedom is cold #comfort if you’re dead.

Get the shot.
